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Drives on 'L'-shape bracket

Drives on 'L'-shape bracket The open version stepper motor drives are now available also mounted on 'L'-shape bracket.

The new solution reduces even further the dimension of the drive and allows an easy wall mounting.

The new drives are available in many sizes of voltage and current and are characterized by a particularly low price.

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AC drives
AC drives
The range of stepper motor drives has further expanded with new models supplied directly in AC.

The AC supplied version is easly idenfied by the letter A at the end of the code; for example the DS1076 drive is now available in AC version»read more

Drives on 'L'-shape bracket
Drives on 'L'-shape bracket
The open version stepper motor drives are now available also mounted on 'L'-shape bracket.

The new solution reduces even further the dimension of the drive and allows an easy wall mounting.

The new drives are available in many sizes of»read more